Let's Get Personal

In other words, more about me

I have devoted both my personal life and professional career to absorbing all technology has to offer, wether it be the next new piece of software, database systems, or simply just building myself a new computer. However, I have hobbies (sometimes!).


In my (limited) free time, I enjoy taking photos. I shoot both on both 35mm film and digital, but mostly digital these days- darkroom is expensive. Below are some of my best shots.

I reccomend right clicking and selecting "open image in new tab" for the best viewing experience. :)

Gary, IN

City Methodist Church - Gary, IN. January 2020.

Parking Garage

Downtown Indianapolis Parking Garage & My First Car - May 2021.


Treeline in Rural North Carolina - June 2021.

Sergio - Dog

My extremely goofy Australian Shepherd, Sergio (aka Stinkbug). December 2018.

© Gabriel Sever 2024. All rights reserved.